Time Flies When You're Having Fun!!!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 29, 2011


     It has been a few weeks since I have last posted any news so I wanted to update everyone on what has been going on.  I am almost 28 weeks and everything has been going great!  I was close to being put on bed rest because of my blood pressure.  It was high everytime I went to the doctor.  Since I had been taking my blood pressure through out the day and keeping track of it I was able to show my doctor that it is staying low.  I was very thankful I wasn't put on bedrest.  I didn't want to miss the last week of school and use my days.  I want to keep all the days I have so I can spend more time with the girls in the fall.  I had a meeting with HR and was told that if I have the babies on August 1st then I can stay home with them up until November 7th.  Of course I wouldn't get paid for ALL of the 12 weeks off BUT I have that option.
     We had our 3D Sono on May 14th, at 26 weeks.  It was such an amazing experience!  We were able to see our sweet girls' faces.  Miss Avery was moving around like crazy (like she always does when we get a sono) and we had a hard time getting a good picture of her face.  We ended up getting one shot of her face after many, many tries.  We are going to go back in two weeks to see the girls' again.  I will be 30 weeks at that point.  We can't wait!!!
       At our last regular sono at 24 weeks, Avery weighed 1 lb 2 ozs and Addison weighed 1 lb 3 ozs.  I have my next sono this Wednesday and I'll be 28 weeks.  I am curious to see how much they have grown. 
        Addison had the hiccups the other night!  It was the first time I have felt them get the hiccups.  It scared me a bit. It just seemed so uncomfortable for her.  Of course Avery started moving around like crazy once Addison's hiccups started.  Avery and Addison have both been moving like crazy!  I have felt them moving for a while but now I can see my stomach move.  It is CRAZY!  Especially when they both move at the same time.
        We have the girls' nursery all finished!  I will post those pictures later!

             Miss Addison yawning!  Avery's Sac is next
to her face.  Addison was laying her head on Avery's head.
                           It was super sweet!
                   My favorite picture of Addison.  She is
                         showing off her pretty little smile!
                                           Addison resting.
              The one picture of Avery's face.  Isn't she precious?! My
             sister thinks Addison looks like me and Avery looks like
                                               her daddy!
                        Big belly at 25 weeks...and still growing!
                  Our very first baby shower!  It was amazing!
                            Our coworkers were so generous.