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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Almost Here!!

I met with Dr. S today.  He checked the girls' heartbeats and measured my stomach.  Now instead of meeting with him every two weeks, I will meet with him every week.  I asked him when most first time moms with twins usually deliver.  He said about 34 to 35 weeks is average.  SOOOO....that means the girls might be here in three to four weeks (I am 31 weeks)!!!  He also said that, at this point and at their weight, if I do go into labor the girls would be fine....which is always good to hear!  Of course we want them to stay in as long as possible.  They would be fine BUT would have to stay in the NICU for awhile...and we don't want that. 

31 week picture compared to 28 week picture...

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